Our Philosophy
Dynamic relationships motivate our lives
and push us to success
idea and knowledge, its development moves toward the goal. The
search for international business Partners and the preparation of
decisive and relevant market information are some of our central
The Information Management Strategy encourages our close collaboration
and the success of your International business projects.
the Initiator
Fernando Javier Zepeda Montes de Oca
2001 I have been living in Germany and dedicated myself to the identification of
business opportunities, the creative promotion and the systematic
development of international business projects and strategies between
European, Latin American and Asian countries.
conclusion of my studies of the Eonomics and Business Management -
"Maestría en Política Económica Internacional" (Master in International
Economic Policy), at the "Universidad de Belgrano" in Buenos Aires,
Argentina, and the "Licenciatura en Relaciones Comerciales con la
especialidad en Comercio Internacional" (University degree in
Commercial Relations with a specialization in International Trade) with the highste award "Presea Lázaro
Cárdenas" of the "Instituto Politécnico Nacional" in Mexico city, Mexico, I could
collect experiences as university lecturer and as director for
practical education in the foreign trade area.
I have
collaborated at official Mexican institutions in the field of
deveöopment of international business (IMCE and Bancomext) in Mexico,
as well as Commercial Attachè at the Mexican embassies in Italy,
Argentina and Germany, where I had under my responsibility the
structuring and the development of international business
projects of diverse industry sectors. |